
Research Mentors

The UF HSC, with its six Health Science Colleges, provides excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary training through its large pool of potential mentors. Our mentor pool is large enough to not only provide scholars with a range of primary mentors but to also supply several co-mentors to enrich their dissertation research.

A primary mentor is defined as a faculty member who has a track record of training as a mentor and has departmental or grant funds to support the GS1-4 years of the scholar’s MD-PhD training. UF HSC also has a category of mentors-in-development for junior faculty who have not achieved the mentor criteria. A list of approved mentors has been drawn from the 284 faculty already formally identified as mentors on T Awards. These mentors, by definition, have agreed to commit time and effort to the mentoring of MD-PhD scholars.

Clinical Mentors

The challenge of starting clinical training after graduate school will be lessened by clinical mentors who will meet regularly with scholars in GS 1-4 for case presentations, review of the history and physical process, and other shadowing experiences. They will also advise and oversee the scholar’s longitudinal clinical experience in the Equal Access Clinic.

Name Department Email
Jose F Abisambra Jose F Abisambra Department of Neuroscience j.abisambra@ufl.edu
Jacqueline Abranches Jacqueline Abranches DN-ORAL BIOLOGY jabranches@dental.ufl.edu
Jane V Aldrich Jane V Aldrich Medicinal Chemistry janealdrich@ufl.edu
Kyle D Allen Kyle D Allen EG-BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING kyle.allen@bme.ufl.edu
Abdel A Alli Abdel A Alli MD-NEPHROLOGY aalli@ufl.edu
Stephen Anton Stephen Anton Department of Physiology and Aging santon@ufl.edu
Mark A Atkinson Mark A Atkinson MD-PATHOLOGY atkinson@ufl.edu
Scott A Berceli Scott A Berceli MD-SURGERY-VASCULAR bercesa@surgery.ufl.edu
Sumita Bhaduri-McIntosh Sumita Bhaduri-McIntosh MD-PEDS-INFECTIOUS DISEASES sbhaduri@peds.ufl.edu
Jiang Bian Jiang Bian MD-HOBI-BIOMED INFORMATICS bianjiang@ufl.edu